Dizziness is described as a feeling of being unsteady, disoriented, or unbalanced. Patients often feel like they are about to faint, or pass out. Dizziness often means different things for different people, & rarely has one singular presentation. Some people might describe dizziness as a fainting feeling, while some others might describe it as a feeling of being lightheaded. Yet others might say that dizziness feels like a feeling of their surroundings moving or spinning out of control. Some others might say that dizziness feels simply like dizziness, a feeling of being disoriented or unbalanced. Here we are describe the best treatment for dizziness. 

Some people who have dizziness might feel nauseous, & motion sick during one of their episodes. Dizziness is not a condition on its own, rather a symptom of some underlying illness, whether diagnosed or not. As such, dizziness treatment often consists of finding out this exact underlying condition & treating it.

In most cases, dizziness goes away on its own. However, when it doesn’t & starts posing problems with everyday functioning, it’s time to see a doctor. Your doctor will conduct a few tests on you to try to figure out the exact cause of your dizziness, & give you dizziness treatment that focuses on treating the underlying cause, along with some lifestyle changes, dietary changes, & certain medications.

In this article, we will tell you the best treatment for generalized dizziness & the lifestyle changes you can make to help relieve your dizziness.

Dizziness causes:

Dizziness can be caused by a range of factors. Some of these are quite common & can be taken care of quite easily. While others are somewhat rare, & need expert medical care & supervision to be treated.

Some of the most well-known dizziness causes include:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV)

  • Low blood pressure

  • Low blood sugar

  • Stroke

  • Dehydration

  • Hyperventilation

  • Panic attacks or other panic disorders

  • Middle ear infections

  • Motion sickness

  • Meniere’s Disease

  • Inner ear infections like labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, & other bacterial or viral infections

Among others.

In addition to these causes, certain medications & medical procedures like chemotherapy, etc. can also cause dizziness as a potential side effect.


Vertigo is another condition that causes dizziness, nausea, motion sickness, headaches, & a spinning sensation. Dizziness is a whole another condition, however, it is most often confused with dizziness.

The most common cause of vertigo is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), which is caused by an inner ear issue that leads to problems with maintaining the balance of the body. People with vertigo often feel as if their surroundings or they themselves are moving, without any external movement.

This is the most distinguishable feature of vertigo, & its presence or absence helps doctors diagnose a patient with either vertigo or dizziness.

Dizziness treatment:

Dizziness often gets better without diagnosis. However, when treatment is needed, it depends on the exact underlying condition causing your dizziness symptoms. Depending on the test results, & a careful check-up, plus their sound medical judgment, a doctor will ideally prescribe you a combination of medications, exercises, & some lifestyle & dietary changes to help relieve your dizziness.

Dizziness medications:

Based on the exact condition that’s causing your dizziness, your doctor will prescribe you medications including:

  • Anti-anxiety medications, help you get rid of the excess anxiety & stress in your system, which can sometimes help improve your dizziness if it is being caused by the everyday stressors in your life. Stress & anxiety are one of the most common causes of dizziness in young adults, adolescents, as well as the working population. Your doctor can easily figure out if anxiety is the cause of your dizziness by looking at your symptoms & asking about your detailed medical records, any recent changes in your life like moving jobs, marriage, or childbirth, & other factors.

  • Anticholinergic medications & antihistamines to help control your dizziness & vertigo-like symptoms. These medications may include well-known vertigo medications like the Stugeron forte tablet, the meclizine tablet, the vertin tablet, the stemetil tablet, & more.

  • Migraine medications. In some cases, patients experience dizziness along with migraine headaches. If this is the case with you, your doctor might prescribe you some medications to help control your headaches & reduce their intensity.

  • Water pills, also known as diuretics. These help in reducing the excessive fluid build-up in your inner ear. Diuretics are usually prescribed to patients experiencing an inner ear disorder called Meniere’s Disease. Meniere’s Disease can bring on dizziness, ringing sound in the ears, also known as tinnitus, & other vertigo-like symptoms like headaches, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Each of these medications can treat the exact underlying condition that’s causing your dizziness. Once the underlying illness/condition/disorder is resolved, the dizziness could also go away. However, if your dizziness doesn’t go away even after the underlying condition is treated, you should see a doctor who will suggest some lifestyle changes & some dietary modifications to help control the dizziness.

Lifestyle changes:

Lifestyle changes to treat dizziness might range from mild ones like drinking more water, reducing your intake of alcohol, & lying down when feeling dizzy, to major ones like stopping a certain food, removing a certain stressor from your life, or indulging in regular exercises.

Some lifestyle changes that can help you get rid of your dizziness & other vertigo-like symptoms include:

  • Lying down on a flat surface when feeling dizzy & closing your eyes,

  • Acupuncture techniques to help relieve any stress & pressure on your nerves, which might make you feel dizzy if stressed

  • Drinking adequate amounts of water & staying hydrated throughout the day

  • Indulging in stress-reducing activities & reducing your intake of alcohol & alcoholic drinks

  • Getting adequate amounts of sleep every night

Other lifestyle changes include:

  • Performing the Epley maneuver exercises:

    The Epley Maneuver exercises are one of the most well-known & widely used vertigo exercises. They are sometimes also called head positioning maneuvers, or canalith repositioning maneuvers for their ability to reposition the canaliths. Canaliths are the tiny calcium crystals inside the middle ear that sometimes break loose & enter the inner ear, where they cause problems with the body’s balance & coordination by sending out false movement signals, thus causing the famous ‘spinning sensation’ that vertigo is known for.

    The Epley Maneuver is an easy to perform exercise, that can either be done yourself at home or by a trained vertigo doctor in their office. Most people find that their dizziness & other vertigo symptoms disappear immediately after performing the exercise. However, some others might have to perform the exercises for some time in a set number of sets to achieve any tangible result. Other exercises that help patients get rid of their dizziness & vertigo-like symptoms are the Semont maneuver exercises, the Brandt-Daroff exercises, & the Semont-Toupet maneuver.

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy: Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is a set of balance exercises that help train your body to compensate for the losses in your vestibular system. It does so by employing other senses of your body to take up the task of maintaining balance & coordination in your body.

  • Psychotherapy: if your doctor suspects that your dizziness is due to a psychological reason like excessive stress, anxiety, etc., then they may suggest psychotherapy to you. Psychotherapy helps you visualize & be aware of your triggers, any stressors in your life, & give you options to better manage them.

Following these lifestyle changes, along with dizziness medications that your doctors prescribe you, & some exercises, you will surely experience some relief from your dizziness.

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