
Writing blog posts from an SEO perspective means writing with the intent to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Writing an SEO-friendly blog post title is an essential aspect of this process. It is because the title of your blog post is the first thing that readers see when they come across your content on search engines or social media. It is a powerful tool that can impact both click-through rates and search engine rankings. Therefore, crafting an SEO-friendly title is essential to optimize your blog post and drive traffic to your site.

So, let’s get started with The Ultimate Guide to Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Post Titles in 2021.

1. Catchy and Compelling Titles:

The first and foremost aspect of a blog post title is to make it attention-grabbing. A blog post title should compel users to click on it and read the content. Therefore, it’s necessary to make sure your title is catchy and informative.

“10 Simple Hacks to Boost Your Social Media Engagement”
“Unlock the Secrets of Successful Lead Generation Strategies”

2. Choose High-Volume Keywords:

The second essential aspect of a title is to choose high-volume keywords. Before writing your blog post, you must conduct proper keyword research. The goal is to determine the most commonly searched keywords within your niche and select a primary keyword phrase to use in the title and throughout your post.

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Suppose you are writing a blog post about social media marketing. You can use keywords such as “social media marketing strategies,” “social media marketing tips,” or “social media marketing trends.”

3. Keep the Title Short:

Several studies show that shorter titles tend to perform better. Keep your blog post title within 60 characters, making sure it is concise and to the point.

Additionally, shorter titles make it easier for search engines to display the full title on SERPs.

4. Be Specific:

Your blog post title must be specific and straightforward to provide a clear idea of what readers can expect in your content. Avoid writing vague or misleading titles that don’t accurately represent your blog post’s content.

For instance, you wouldn’t want to deceive your readers by using a title such as “10 Amazing Social Media Tips” and then including tips that don’t relate to social media. It wouldn’t just disappoint the reader, but also affect your SEO rankings.

5. Use Power Words:

Power words can increase the chances of your title being clicked on by users. They add emotion and excitement to your title, making it more enticing for readers.

Some examples of power words include the following:

“proven,” “ultimate,” “essential,” “exclusive,” “surprising,” “easy,” and “complete.”

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6. Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

Including too many keywords in your title can seem spammy and unprofessional. Avoid stuffing your keywords and make sure to use them organically in the title.

One or two primary keywords should be enough for your title. Ensure that your title reads naturally and makes sense even without the keyword.

7. Optimize Your Title for Social Media:

When it comes to sharing your blog post on social media, optimizing your title is incredibly crucial. Make sure your title is shareable and stands out on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Using attention-grabbing words and phrases is always a good idea when crafting titles for social media promotion.


Q1. How do I make my title stand out in a SERP?

A. You can make your title stand out in a SERP by using attention-grabbing power words, keeping it concise and to the point, and by using numbers if relevant to the content.

Q2. Can I use long-tail keywords in my title?

A. Yes, absolutely! Long-tail keywords often have less competition making it easier for your content to rank higher.

Q3. Should I include my brand name in the title?

A. It’s not necessary unless you want to promote your brand further. However, if your brand name has significant recognition, it’s not a bad idea to include it in the title.

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Q4. How long should my title be?

A. It’s recommended to keep your title within 60 characters to ensure that it is displayed entirely on SERPs.

Q5. Are capitalization and punctuation important in titles?

A. Yes, capitalization and punctuation in titles is essential for readability and professionalism.

Q6. Can I change my title after publishing it?

A. Yes, you can change the title of your blog post after publishing it; however, it’s not recommended as it can affect your SEO rankings.

Q7. Can I ask my audience for feedback on my title?

A. Yes, absolutely! Asking your audience for feedback is a great way to gauge your title’s effectiveness and improve your writing in the future.


Writing an SEO-friendly blog post title is more than just choosing a keyword and putting it together with a few words. It’s an art that requires research, creativity, and skills. The tips discussed above will help you to create SEO-friendly and attention-grabbing titles that entice readers and drive traffic to your site. So, start crafting your titles today and reap the benefits of high engagement and SEO rankings!


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