Studying at any level in college is difficult, and perhaps the hardest part is the numerous essays you have to write from the different courses you’re taking. Studying, on its own, is time-consuming as you have to commit yourself to attending all your classes and hours of reading. Add essay writing into the mix; there’s almost no time left for other activities. This is one of the reasons people struggle with their theses and dissertations. Not solely because it’s time-consuming, but because they have to combine it with full-time jobs.


Whether at an undergraduate, master’s or doctorate level, a college student is an adult with many responsibilities and bills to pay. Getting the funds to pay your school fees is enough to get a job and combine it with your academics, not to mention personal upkeep and family. However, you need enough time to write your thesis and also to do your work effectively. So, how do you balance both without one affecting the other?


This is a common problem that college students across all levels have been facing for years. Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time in a day, considering your full-time job, the volume of research materials to read, and lectures to attend. Some students tend to get dissertation assistance from online writing professionals to help them save time and stress so they can focus on their lecturers, personal reading time and a full-time job. While this is an ideal solution, not everyone can take the opportunity. Some people love a hands-on approach to work. They cherish doing their work by themselves and the knowledge and learning that comes with it. But now that there’s a time problem, how do you manage it if you’re one of such people?

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You should first know that you can never read enough or learn enough. This knowledge should help you loosen up because no matter what you do, more papers are being published daily than you can read in a week or a month. Hence, you need to be selective about the materials that interest you and what you’re reading. You’re fighting a lost battle if your focus is on the volume of articles you should be reading for your thesis.


The real cause of the problem with combining your thesis with a full-time job is that there’s almost always an urgent task from your job that takes priority and overlaps with your thesis time. So, you’re forced to abandon your thesis to do your job more often than you should. It’s understandable to some extent because there’s a limit to the energy reserve and attention you can give in a day. So, you have to sacrifice some things for others at some point. However, if you’re going to give yourself any chance to write your thesis, you must create the time for it within your busy schedule. This means you must shut out everything, including your work, and focus on writing your thesis alone.


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To write anything excellently, you need uninterrupted time, especially when it’s something as sensitive as your thesis. It means you must do away with calls, texts, emails, meetings, and the internet during that period. You need that much space to write your thesis.


Here are a few tips that can help you write your thesis effectively while being a full-time worker:


  1. Switch to thesis-writing mode


The moment you sit down to start working on your thesis, the first distraction comes from your mind. You’ll have several thoughts interrupting you, most of which will likely be work-related. You have your thesis in front of you, but you’re thinking about the work report you’re also working on, an email you receive earlier in the day, or a situation with HR. These thoughts will come first because you haven’t relaxed into the thesis. This is why you should switch modes. Go from work mode to thesis-writing mode. It may take 30 minutes or more to get on, but ensure you’re engrossed with the thesis, and these distractions will vanish.


  1. Be consistent

Create a schedule for when you write your thesis. Make it part of your routine and stick to it. It gets harder to pick it up again as you leave it for longer. But the more regularly you work on it, the better you can keep the momentum. Make sure it’s always on your mind, even if you only work on it for one hour daily.

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  1. Be detail-oriented

Doing your work in small bits helps you to be more detailed and effective. Rather focusing on the whole thesis at once. Do it in bits. Pick a thing to work on per time. It might be researching the data, organizing it, and writing a paragraph. Do it in bits and be consistent with it. Combining it with work this way becomes easier than focusing on doing the whole at once.



Combining your thesis with a full-time job is difficult but not impossible. The tips in this article can help you achieve this successfully.



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